Where Is Kamp-Maryville College Info

Steve Kaufman's Acoustic Kamp
Maryville College
502 East Lamar Alexander Parkway
Maryville, TN 37804

Our facilities are on the campus of the spacious, scenic and historic Maryville College in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. We are just 17 miles south of Knoxville, TN.

The campus facilities include dormitories, cafeteria, concert hall, classrooms, Chapel and "The Kamp General Store".

The sleeping quarters are in the college dormitories. They are Double Occupancy.
There are two tall twin beds per room with a shared baths to an adjoining room with two beds.

Pairing up of friends is possible but rooms are limited so let us know early. Stair climbing and walking required.

All Rooms are based on Double Occupancy. Guaranteed Private Rooms available for an additional fee.

Quiet Sleeping Areas or Jam Sleeping Area Available.

Quiet Area Jamming Curfew is 11:00 PM.

Welcome to Maryville College Letter - Read this letter to see the College Photocalls for Check-In and Out, Mail and other procedures.